25 September 2009

the handmade artists and a sweet giveaway...

The Handmade Market is this Saturday @ the Beat Coffee House in Uptown (MPLS)
I'm very excited to meet all of the wonderful artists.
Chuck Burton: BurtonArtStudios.etsy.com
Wendy Peterson: Clairemonet.etsy.com
Duckie Uglings (sorry for misspelling the name): beccajo.etsy.com
Heads Twogether-Maren & Dena: headstwogether.etsy.com
Ryan& Molly Blauer: mnartists.org/hoodies. lifeanddeathbrigadeart.blogspot.com
Lynne A. Nelson Photography and Design: lynnanelson.etsy.com
Laura Whitney-Uptown Urban Craft: www.uptownurbancraft.com


Miche Mailloux and Waist2Wrist won't be able to show at the market, but you should check out their work. There will also be a couple more artists who are not mentioned here. It will probably be a rainy fall day...perfect weather for a good hot coffee.

And now for a giveaway!!
A handknit hat in your color/style choice could be yours.
All you have to do is share the event on your facebook page, post it on your blog, tweet about it, post a myspace bulletin, etc about the Handmade Market and the give away. (if you have a private profile, you will have to add me so that i can see it).
Then come back to this blog post, and add a comment with the link to where you posted it and your email.

On Friday evening, I will pick a winner (using a random number generator).

(since the hat will be knit specifically for you, it will take approximately 1-2 weeks to get it to you)
Here are some links for you to post:

Thanks everyone!


  1. Your hats look super cute! I tweeted the event here http://twitter.com/adornjewelry . -Amy amy@adornjewelry.org

  2. hey! I would love to enter this contest, and so I told everyone on facebook that I shall be attending. :) can't wait to see you on saturday! -sarah winters

  3. Ok, I love your hats/art so I posted on twitter and facebook....Love ya!!!

  4. only three comments...ok then, each of you gets a hat, because i like making hats :)
    I will be emailing you all to find out what you would like...

    thanks for supporting handmade!

  5. Send me an email at kristy.childress@gmail.com letting me know what you want your hat to be like...color, cables, no cables, etc. also let me know how you like a hat to fit and the measurement around where you want the brim to be. You can see some of the styles on my (etsy or in an earlier blogpost)
    Thanks for supporting local handmade!
